2016 : Background and Compositing on "La nuit je danse avec la mort" at Supamonks Studio
2016 : Concept art, Storyboard, Colorscript, Layout, Background and Compositing
on "Typha" at MonkeyEggs Animation
2015 : Director and lead of Concept art, Storyboard, Colorscript, Layout, Background and Compositing
on «À perte de vue» (graduate short film)
2014 : Lead of Concept art, Storyboard, Colorscript, Background and Compositing on « Messine »
(short film)
2011 : Columnist (visual arts) for a tri-weekly cultural radio programme on Radio Campus
2010 : Co-production (art director, and graphic designer) of an indie 2d video game featured and
downloaded more than 2700 times on an indie video game website
Background and Compositing on "La nuit je danse avec la mort" at Supamonks Studio.
Concept art, Storyboard, Colorscript, Layout, Background and Compositing
on "Typha" at MonkeyEggs Animation.